Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Heutiful vs. Your Shower

I bought the Huetiful Steamer over 2 years ago and have probably only used it less than 15 times with less than fabulous results. It now sits in my bathroom on top of my Ikea shelf and collects dust.  I should probably check it for mold.

Recently I've been switching up my routine in life and taking a shower at night.  Not because I want to go to bed cleaner but just because I don't want to wake up any earlier than I have to and this cuts a whole step out of my routine.

Anyway back to the hair.  I experimented a few times with what I call low maintenance steaming.  My boo thang has a steam room at his gym and occasionally I would slap some conditioner in my hair and head into there for a half hour.

So why not in my shower right? So the other day I took some of my Paul Mitchell's leave in conditioner which I've had for probably over 2 years.  I'm also on a kick of using any and every product I have bought because I can't do any worse than I've been doing.

I used a lot of Paul Mitchell enough to saturate and return my hair to ringlet status.  I should show pictures right?

I then hopped in the shower and washed all the important parts - shaved and enjoyed the heat for about 10 -15 mins.

When I came out my hair was moist but not at all sopping wet and less shrinkage than I would have if I used a spray bottle - which I hate because I always miss spots - the water gets mildewy and funky in those things and I still have to use a leave in.

Immediately after the shower I twisted my hair it took me about 20 minutes since the hair was easier to handle.  I used a whipped shea butter that I hand whip.  You don't need my help with this.  There's 50 million eleven other naturals who will show you on YouTube.

Next day nice twist that I rocked for the rest of the week.

Guala or however you spell it.  3 years in and I've finally found a moisturizing routine that fits my lifestyle doesn't take forever and is something you should be doing anyway.  I bet a lot of you are wearing shower caps and missing out on all that good steam.